Our mission at New Harlem Renaissance is to reinvigorate the artistic legacy of Harlem's past through the minds of our present day community by structurally introducing music, dance, art, fashion, comedy, and film in a safe and inclusive environment. One designed to nurture and ignite the creative passions of such a historic community.
New Harlem Renaissance intends to support its community's namesake by servicing it's lower socio-economic residents of all ages, affording them with exposure, education and access to arts and culture at little to no cost. New York City is the epicenter of the arts. Many of our Harlem legends like Baldwin, Billie, Duke, Lena, Langston never graced art spaces such as Broadway,Carnige Hall, Lincoln Center, MOMA. In efforts to learn from our the past and spring forward, N.H.R. is committed to assisting their inhabitants with showcasing their unique artistic expression despite a lack of financial means.
New Harlem Renaissance understands the importance of artistic freedom in addition to financial freedom. "Starving Artist No More"! Through N.H.R's four to six week fomulated programs, we will introduce various arts forms while also teaching core principles of contracts, monetization, and professionalism; forging entrepreneurship that can lead passions to become professions.
New Harlem Renaissance - "Bridging the gap between affordability and artistry by reaching back to spring forward!"